TOPIQ | Quick webinars by Rigaku
A Rigaku terá durante o mês de Abril vários webinars, veja o seu favorito aqui.
- TOPIQ | Quantitative phase analysis based on Rietveld method for data collected on MiniFlex600 | 7 de abril
- TOPIQ | Rigaku Progeny 1064 nm Raman as a Versatile Solution for Raw Material ID and Verification | 8 de abril
- CrysAlisᴾʳᵒ 40: 64-bit, Synergy, HyPix-Arc 150°, AutoChem4.0, Ewald 3D | 9 de abril
- TOPIQ | How to Work from home | 14 de abril
- TOPIQ | Processing of a twinned data set in CrysAlisᴾʳᵒ and structure solution in Olex² | 15 de abril
- TOPIQ | Supermini200 – compact, versatile and most powerful elemental analysis in petrochemicals | 16 de abril
- X-ray Computed Tomography for Materials & Life Science 5: Plant Science Applications | 29 de abril